Find out what our amazing alums, Roy & Brody, enjoyed most during our 2023 Malibu Surf Camp and more!
Introduce yourself and share what programs you were in during the summer.
Roy: I attended the surf camp in Malibu California this summer.
Brody: I also attended Malibu surf camp at Pepperdine.
What was it about the surf camp that was really exciting for you guys?
Roy: I had surfed before sometimes but I was not good and I heard that my cousin was going and that Brody was going as well because I had known him in the past from surfing with him as well, and I just thought wouldn’t it be fun to surf with all of them, especially in a place like California!
Brody: Same for me! I thought it would be a great experience to go to Malibu and surf on waves I’ve never surfed before. I’ve surfed a little in the past but not well. The camp was a whole new experience! It was so fun!
Did you learn any new tricks to surfing?
Roy: Yea, we learned a lot of things. We learned how to do a 180! It was really cool.
What’s one of your favorite moments during the summer?
Roy: For surfing, it had to be when me, Brody, Braeden and McKenna caught a party waive together which we have been trying to do for two weeks straight! I had lots of favorite moments. At the Pepperdine dorm, there’s a girls and boys side and everyone become friends but at night all the boys would hang out at night and talk about whatever and it would be really fun!
Brody: I also liked when we went to a firework festival on the 4th of July in Malibu. It was super fun to see the fireworks with everyone!
Did you meet new friends during the summer program or did you already have a bunch of friends that you knew going?
Roy: I only had my cousin and Brody and we became friends with everyone there like instantly. I never realized how fast you become friends and close with someone while living with them.
Brody: I agree! I thought it was really cool because I met people from different countries like France and Spain and I thought it was really cool to meet a bunch of different people.
If you were to give some advice to somebody new coming into an ACA program what kind of advice or tips would you give?
Roy: Well they are probably super excited because everything there is amazing! Even if you don’t know anyone you’re gonna become friends with everyone instantly because you’ll live with them and see them everyday. Every morning, you’ll eat with them and during good activities, so just keep an open mind and know that even if you don’t have any friends going with you, you will make a ton of friends. You have nothing to worry about!
Brody: I’d say take advantage of all the experiences that they give you and you just bond with people. And probably you should bring some dry cleaning and stuff because you will wanna stay another week like me and Roy! We were both only supposed to say one week but we ended up staying two because of how much fun we had!